Das Oberhausener Produzentenduo „Traumpatrouille“ präsentiert eine kraftvolle Neuinterpretation des Band Of Holy Joy-Songs "Stay Toxic" und setzt damit seine kreative Zusammenarbeit mit der Band fort. Nach der erfolgreichen Kollaboration bei "Our Light", für den Band of Holy Joy-Frontmann Johny Brown bereits den Text beisteuerte, verwandelt das Duo den Original-Track in eine kompromisslose EBM-Produktion.
Der Remix besticht durch einen unbarmherzig stampfenden Beat und treibende Synthesizer-Arrangements. Besonders markant sind die verfremdeten, hochgepitchten Vocals, die dem Track eine zusätzliche Dimension verleihen. Mit diesem Remix beweisen beide Acts erneut, dass sie keine Scheu haben, Genre-Grenzen einzureißen und neue Wege zu gehen.
Hinter dem verspielten Namen Traumpatrouille stecken der in westlichen Gefilden nicht unbekannte DJ Cheesy und Carsten Wrede von den renommierten Oberhausener Tresohr Studios. Mit „Feel The Pain“ haben sie 2023 einen echten Clubhit abgeliefert, der ordentlich die Szene aufgerollt hat und gleichzeitig auf Platz 1 der Deutschen Alternative Charts und Native 25 Charts gestürmt ist.
Die Band of Holy Joy wurde 1984 von Johny Brown in New Cross, Südlondon gegründet. Nach experimentellen Anfängen mit günstigen Instrumenten und rudimentärer Elektronik entwickelte sich die Band zu einem einflussreichen Act der Post-Punk-Szene. Die Band hat gerade ihr neue Album "Scorched Jerusalem" veröffentlicht (Release: 17. Januar 2025), das sich als eines ihrer politischsten und düstersten Werke präsentiert. Die Musik verbindet dabei Adrian Sherwood-artige Produktionen mit Browns eindringlichen Texten und behandelt aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Themen.

Exclaimed Marc Massive in a searingly stark standout lyric from the new single by UK dark synth band Massive Ego. It’s a track that charts new territory musically, starting with unfamiliar, softer vocals, we are lulled into a false sense of security. But with a challenging title like (MY) DEATH SONG, we should know to expect a darker turn of events. We’re led down a road of anger and despair in lyrical form via a snarling delivery. If this was meant to be a ‘f**k you right back’ track, then it delivers a deathly blow. If this were a ‘suicide note’, then it offers more than just the finality of life, it challenges you to the possibility of a future with an awakened state of mind to look for positives.
“This anger is an old energy left behind”
It reads like a line from a self-help book for mental health wellness. “In some respects, that’s exactly what this song was”, muses Marc Massive, singer and lyric writer of the group “I’d been in such a bad headspace and needed the cathartic exercise that writing this song became. So much had changed for the worse in my life over a few short years that it became too much. Had I not discovered the self-help books, meditation and sought professional help, I wouldn’t have got through it. The experience of such despair and the rise back out of it has been nothing short of miraculous for my creativity, and the album we’re working on now has benefitted and subsequently reflects it through every song”. Page of 1 2The track hits you with a wall of brash energy, from the gnarly guitars to the searing synths, building to a climatic and raucous end, it signals a major change in musical direction. Guitarist Porl Young (formerly of Rosetta Stone fame) explains.
“Adding guitars to Massive Ego’s synth-driven sound has been an exciting challenge. For the live set, I've blended guitar-synth tones with existing keyboard parts to honour the back catalogue. On "In Your Own Darkness," the guitars added a fresh, live element without overwhelming the track. However, on (My)Death Song, the guitars had room to breathe, shifting from delicate arpeggios to heavy chords. The song demanded a raw, distorted edge to complement the electronics, and the final mix represents a bold new direction for us”. Keyboardist Lloyd Price remarks “This new single is a real departure from what we've worked on in the past. It's an exciting move into new working methods, mixing the electronics with the heavy guitars. It's an insight into the eclectic mix that will be on the album”. The band celebrate their 30th anniversary in 2026, one constant face over twenty of those years is drummer Olly Frost, known for his ever-changing looks, a living ‘Mr Ben’ of the dark scene perhaps! What can we expect from him now that singer Marc Massive has tamed his stage persona considerably?
“For Marc, his look had endured over 20+ years and became his trademark but also his prison. I often change my appearance depending on the context, whether live or performance for the camera. As a visual artist, this is an integral component. Next, I intend to develop less makeup- driven looks that focus on form and colour saturation, which I'm somewhat obsessed with.“ 2025 kicks off with a series of singles every couple of months, starting with (MY) DEATH SONG, out 6th February on Out Of Line Music, culminating in a new album.
Massive Ego will perform at Germany’s biggest dark scene festival,
M’era Luna - 9-10th August 2025, with more dates being confirmed.

Mit dem neuesten Release knüpfen D.N.A an ihren DAC- Chart Erfolg, ( Platz.2 ) „Time to Reflect“ aus 2025 an und thematisieren erneut unsere zerrüttete Welt.
Das entsprechende Video wird ca. eine Woche nach Release auf „Youtube“ sowie auf dem eigenen D.N.A Kanal „D.N.A - YouTube“ zu sehen sein.

Signed to Danse Macabre
Records in 2020, Hateful Chains consists of Flora Kok (vocals, keyboards, acoustic guitar), Kimmo Laaksonen (guitars), Jani Ilander (bass),
and Jani Vilhunen (drums). Their debut album, “Invite” (2021), established them as more than just another Gothic Rock band. With “Lambs
and Goats”, they continue their artistic journey, exploring both the depths of human despair and the beauty that emerges from it. The release of
“Outside” on February 7 marks not only a significant musical milestone but also an emotional one—for the band and their fans alike. It is a
song of liberation, hope, and the realization that true light often lies hidden in the shadows. And when “Lambs and Goats” finally sees the
light of day on Valentine’s Day, it will be more than just an album release; it will stand as a testament to the transformative power of music—
guiding us through the darkest of times. With “Lambs and Goats”, Hateful Chains have crafted a body of work that resonates beyond sound
—one that reaches the soul. And perhaps, this album will not only define their career but also cement itself as a modern classic within the
Gothic Rock genre.
